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Product details
File Size: 5403 KB
Print Length: 117 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1511491930
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: July 9, 1886
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#636,730 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is my second book on Siringo. I have a biography I also purchased from Amazon. I like him because he's a man of opposites. In this book, he's a younger man than the first book I read. Here, he is, feisty and determined and also quirky, to his own detriment. One quirky thing: He roped a buffalo. He is also a man who lived the hard life of a cowboy. Wannabes would think twice about adopting the cowboy lifestyle.The book is written in a first person report style, short and clipped sentences some might find "off-putting" but he makes fun of himself with a humorous honesty I enjoyed. He wouldn't pass a lie-detector test, but I still enjoyed the book.
Sincere recollections of Charlie from his youth in Matagorda, TX; his love of cowboying on the open range, an absolute window on the true past of wrangling, roping, branding, driving and selling wild cattle to the east to feed the nation after the Civil War. A winsome trail is travelled as you immerse in the world that was from cowboy to detective. It informs how we got to where we are today, with railroads, conspiracies, politics, superimposition of law and the hemming in of the heartland.
I @&*#@$ love this book. From it's faux leather cover to the incredible tales contained within. If you are from Texas, if you have ANY interest in Texas whatsoever, you need to read this book. One tale in particular stands out: A neighbor(?) of Siringo's on the Texas coast was tinkering with an unexploded Yankee artillery shell when the shell ignited and blew his legs off. Oh, and Siringo WALKED across Texas. Just driving across Texas will take a significant chunk of your life. Read it. You can NOT make it up.
Mr Siringo lived and worked hard in those fifteen years. I tend to believe the passage about Billy the kid. The story has a lot of facts that Hollywood didn't know or use in their stories.A hard gritty story of a youth that grew up hard. I could see where he would go into detective work later in life.
Charlie Siringo was an author of western lore in the latter part of 1800s. He wrote 'History of 'Billy the Kid' '. This western story is a good yarn, with some factual history.
This was a good book in as much as it gives one an insight on how the cowboys lived and worked in the early days of the great cattle drives.
This was the original cowboy memoir and what it lacks in literary polish, it makes up in authenticity. I recommend it highly.
expressed by Mr. Siringo throughout the novel. I enjoyed most everything discussed during the entire episodes so eloquently written by the Author, but I thought that some of the stories could have been shortened, making them more interesting. Too, I have no problem recommending this novel to anyone interested in the real disposition and processing of the old West.