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Product details
File Size: 1104 KB
Print Length: 618 pages
Publisher: AuthorHouse (December 29, 2012)
Publication Date: December 29, 2012
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,154,869 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I read this pile of garbage from cover to cover. Mandatory reading for a promotion exam. The single most racist book I have laid my eyes upon. The suggestion that there should be 3 police departments (black, white, collegiate). The suggestion that civil service exams be watered down to meet the education level of minorities in our society so that they can be police officers. Nothing in here discusses equality and diversity. The best part is that it the author only discusses theory, no practical application. The author does not outline how to achive the goals of community policing. It almost seems like some magical circumstances occur and BAM we have a utopian police department. The best part is that the author spends quite a bit of time talking about how great he is and how he is the greatest pioneer in policing. He speaks about how he was the chief in multiple departments, mayor of Huston, worked for slick willie Clinton. Etc etc etc. All of theses woo hoo things. Who cares! So if you have to study for a test, don't bother. It wont help. This text is the most repetitive thing on the shelf, no amount of memorization will help (short of an idetic memory). Take my advice, get a book on study techniques, strategies and test question structure. You will have a much better shot.
Looking over the reviews on this book I have to agree with the negative reviews. This text was over 500 pages long and I firmly believe that the core ideas and principles of this book could have been easily conveyed in about 200-250 pages. Clearly, the author was very impressed with himself. Dr. Brown lays claim to being the father of Community Policing he also mentioned that he introduced the concept of Community Policing to the people of South Africa. I was unable to substantiate either of these claims. In the preface, the author states that he received his Ph.D. in 1970 and that this book is based on his 30 years in law enforcement. Perhaps a better name for this text would be "Community Policing in the 20th Century"? The author rambles on about concepts and topics he makes reference to video tape and other dated media formats He would drone on about new programs, processes, changes, and cutting edge methods that he implemented in different government entities that he lead. In the next paragraph he would state that after he left office the involved entity reverted back to the way things were before Dr. Brown's arrival. I would never tell anyone that this was a "great read" or suggest that they select it as optional reading to learn about community policing. I can not help but think that there has got to be a more current and better written text about community policing.
This could have been half as long if it weren't for the author rambling on about himself and repeating himself over and over. He proclaimed himself to be the "father of community policing" when most accounts of community policing never mention him. However, Joseph D. McNamara was given that title. He places himself on the same level as true historical contributors and pioneers in policing such as August Vollmer, J. Edgar Hoover, and Herman Goldstein. He uses the word "I" very frequently as if he is responsible for greatness when in fact, simple research into the organizations he claimed to have made great strides in no longer use any of the program's he initiated save one or two. This much self-bragging really encourages me to question the claims this author makes about himself.The content of the book is good once you get past the self-centered display of his PhD. However, none of the concepts are original to the author and at the same time he was initiating the program's he spoke about, so we're many other departments in the country.I recommend reading true works by true academics and practitioners who have produced true research data and made true strides in the improvement of policing.
Wow. First, this book rambles on for over 500 pages. The author is clearly enamored with himself and makes outlandish claims as if he invented the question mark. Besides rambling on for a dry, repetitive 500 pages the book is FULL of spelling and grammatical errors that most middle school children could point out. The author continually refers to "comstat" and I assume he is referring to CompStat which was created in NYC where the author served as Police Commissioner (it's true, he tells you like 300 times throughout the book).
Reverse racism, dangerous officer safety practices, general crap. Written by someone who has NEVER done this kind of work. This is just leftist garbage that is completely untenable.
Too many spelling & grammar errors to take seriously. Additionally, the author repeats himself several times throughout the chapters congratulating himself on his accomplishments. I read this as a required reading for a promotional exam. I do not recommend it if you want to read it voluntarily.
Worst book ever written. I doubt it was even edite because here were so many word usage errors and one paragraph just ended in mid-sentence. He contradicts himself several times and even calls his own principles by the wrong name a few times..
This book is ridiculous and redundant. A waste of money. Seems like half the book the author writes about himself and the other half is information he got from the Internet. Also it's very annoying that he refers to himself in the third person everytime he talks about himself, which is about 300 of the 600 pages. Not a fan of this book.
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